
The Consecration and Grand Opening Ceremony of the Monastery
The Consecration and Grand Opening Ceremony of the Monastery

With H.E. Yeshe Sangpo Rinpoche and H.E. Khandro Pema Chodron’s great effort in overseeing every detail, the Monastery was successfully established, with the consecration ceremony held on the auspicious day of November 23, 2009. The founder of the Monastery, the venerable H.E. Yeshe Sangpo Rinpoche, earnestly and respectfully invited H.H. Dungse Thingley Norbu Rinpoche, the holder of “Dudjom New Treasure,” to co-preside in this ceremony. Over ten thousand attendees participated in the ceremony, including many masters, Lamas, Sangha, yogis, and laymen. The success and magnificence of the ceremony echoed the glorious moments when Guru Padmasambhava consecrated the Samye Monastery in the eighth century. The consecration ceremony of the Samye Memorial Buddhist Monastery thus ended with such unprecedented magnificence and success.

It was the venerable H.E. Yeshe Sangpo Rinpoche and H.E. Khendro Pema Chodron who made such pure, perfect, and grand wishes to establish the Monastery. In particular, they engaged themselves in every detail of the construction, from the site-searching, the design of the Monastery, fundraising, the selection of construction materials and workers, to the oversight of several years of construction work. The result was what H.H. Dungse Thingley Norbu Rinpoche praised as the topnotch Monastery.

1 桑耶紀念佛寺位於加德滿都近郊的巴屏,群山環繞俯瞰整個山谷盤地,遠觀連綿的山巒景色
2 遠眺桑耶紀念佛寺正門(一)
3 遠眺桑耶紀念佛寺正門(二)
4 桑耶紀念佛寺側面
5 八大舍利塔及轉經輪堂,亦是僧尼們下課後繞塔及轉經輪累積福慧資糧之處
6 法王 董瑟聽列仁波切與仁波切佛母及桑耶紀念佛學院僧眾合影
7 挑高的大殿及莊嚴宏偉的佛像,令人生起敬肅之情,大殿主要供奉 蓮花生大士、左右為耶謝措嘉佛母及曼達拉哇佛母 、國王赤松德貞、堪布菩提薩埵、普巴金剛、空行精義耶謝措嘉佛母
8 法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切親臨主持開光盛會
9 創建桑耶紀念佛寺的尊貴上師 耶謝桑波仁波切
10 吉祥時刻 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切為佛像開光(揭開布幔)
11 蓮花生大士,左右為耶謝措嘉佛母及曼達拉哇佛母
12 國王赤松德貞
13 堪布菩提薩埵
14 普巴金剛
15 空行精義耶謝措嘉佛母
16 三根本及護法的多瑪(食子)壇城
17 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥之獻供(法照一)
18 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥之獻供(法照二)
19 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥曼達之獻供
20 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥身之獻供
21 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥語之獻供
22 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥意之獻供
23 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥功德之獻供
24 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥事業之獻供
25 尊貴的耶謝桑波仁波切與佛母 祈請法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切 長壽吉祥圓滿之獻供
26 薈供供品供養
27 法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切與耶謝桑波仁波切及佛母帶領佛學院僧眾及佛寺僧尼,繞行佛寺寺外三圈進行灑淨典禮(法照一)
28 法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切與耶謝桑波仁波切及佛母帶領佛學院僧眾及佛寺僧尼,繞行佛寺寺外三圈進行灑淨典禮(法照二)
29 法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切與耶謝桑波仁波切及佛母帶領佛學院僧眾及佛寺僧尼,繞行佛寺寺外三圈進行灑淨典禮(法照三)
30 法王 董瑟聽列諾布仁波切與耶謝桑波仁波切及佛母帶領佛學院僧眾及佛寺僧尼,繞行佛寺寺外三圈圓滿進入大殿
31 桑耶紀念佛寺舉辦為期三個月薈供 每日聚集數千人共襄盛舉(法照一)
32 桑耶紀念佛寺舉辦為期三個月薈供 每日聚集數千人共襄盛舉(法照二)
33 桑耶紀念佛寺舉辦為期三個月薈供 每日聚集數千人共襄盛舉(法照三)
34 桑耶紀念佛寺舉辦為期三個月薈供 每日聚集數千人共襄盛舉(法照四)
35 桑耶紀念佛寺舉辦為期三個月薈供 每日聚集數千人共襄盛舉(法照五)
36 桑耶紀念佛寺舉辦為期三個月薈供 每日聚集數千人共襄盛舉(法照六)

The Samye Memorial Buddhist Monastery

Rinpoche’s Dharma Propagating Activities


The Samye Memorial Buddhist Vihara

To continue the Buddhist heritage, fulfill the root master’s prophesy, and promulgate Guru Rinpoche’s Dharma activities, H.E. Yeshe Sangpo Rinpoche founded and presides in the Samye Memorial Buddhist Vihara


The Samye Memorial Buddhist Monastery

It was the Rinpoche and Khendro who made such pure, perfect, and grand wishes to establish the Monastery. In particular ,they engaged themselves in every detail of the construction


The Samye Memorial Buddhist Nunnery Vihara

As the first nunnery of the Dudjom lineage, the Nunnery Vihara houses hundreds of dormitories and classrooms, and is capable of accommodating one thousand nuns for receiving and practicing the precious teachings of the Dudjom lineage


The Samye Memorial Buddhist Primary School

It is hoped that, through the process of the primary education at the Samye Memorial Buddhist Primary School, the concepts that good (bad) intents and deeds will result in good (bad) karmas will be deeply rooted in the youthful minds


The Samye O-Sel Ling Retreat Center

In the path to the liberation and achieving Buddhahood, it is necessary to combine theory with practice of Buddha’s teachings. Retreat is the most important means of practicing Dharma


The Eight Stupas and the Prayers Wheels

In commemorating their root Guru’s great kindness, Rinpoche and Khandro built the Eight Stupas in front of the Short-term Retreat Center. For the purpose of benefiting all sentient beings


Samye Memorial Yogis’ Buddhist Monastery in Dolpo, Nepal

Khandro said : It is certainly a precious rarity and a benevolent circumstance to have these faithful disciples in such a remote area where Guru Rinpoche stepped his feet


The Samten Choiling Monastery in Tho-Thong

The faithful disciples of the Monastery, lay or monastic, expressed their strong support and beseeched that Rinpoche and Khandro’s virtues and blessings will reshine the glow of the Monastery


The Renovation of Orgyen Dongak Choiling Monastery

Following the prophesy by the Second H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, Khandro Rigzin Wangmo, the Second H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche’s Dakini, entrusted the Orgyen Dongak Choiling Monastery to H.E. Yeshe Sangpo Rinpoche and H.E. Khandro Pema Chodron on August 6, 2014


The Samye Drodul-Ling Monastery in Penang, Malaysia

Rinpoche and Khandro accepted the earnest requests from faithful disciples Tan Sri Alex and Datuk Joanne and began the construction of the Samye Drodul-Ling Monastery
